Freshmen Reaching Excellence in Engineering
Bryce Alexander
Howdy! My name is Bryce Alexander and I am a Chemical Engineering major from the projects of Fairbanks, Alaska. I grew up in the harsh winter temps of 50 below, becoming hardened not only by the bitter cold and constant darkness of the frozen tundra, but also by the rough hands of father time, which has made me into the man I am today (JK, I’ve only lived there for two years now). When I’m not napping, I enjoy playing intramural soccer, ice skating,alpine skiing, finding a nap spot in Evans, fresh brewing some dorm coffee, and hammocking in my Eno. FREE is one of the best things that can happen to any engineer. It connected me with a group of friends who I could talk to and avoid engineering homework with. FREE has brought me genuine happiness and awesome memories. I hope it can do the same for you. Gig FREE.